Saturday, 8 January 2022

minecraft online

link for video

copy and paste it into google!

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

The back story of the man with the beans in jack and the beanstalk

The man was walking down a road when all of a sudden a trash can fell on his head. The man looked inside of the trash can but all he found was a black bean. He went back to his house to plant the black bean. The morning after he planted the beans he went outside and saw a massive beanstalk! He climbed up and up and up until he reached the top of the clouds. In the clouds he saw a castle. He went into the castle and saw two very big giants. As soon as he saw them he ran back home. 

The next day he went on a walk and at the same house another trash can fell on him. This time there were 5 black beans. After that he walked down to the market and sold them to a little boy called Jack and Jack gave him a cow back. 

Blog ya later

Friday, 29 October 2021

spot the letter

 Okay I want to play a little game with you guys. The game is where I type a bunch of letters and you guys need to find a word out of it, you can put your answers in the comments here we go!


ok did you get any let me know!

blog ya later!    

Adopt me Halloween update

 Hi bloggers,

Today the brand new Halloween update came to adopt me.  The brand new pets are the evil dog, scorpion, golden mummy cat, black mummy cat, albino mummy cat and the ghost dragon witch is there robux pet. There is also some really cool brand new pet wear that you can get, You might be wondering how you get this stuff, Well you have to go into mini games and in those mini games you get candy corn and that's how you get the stuff. They also have added new items like strollers and balloons and grapples! Hope you like the brand new update bloggers,

BlOg yA LaTEr

my bell bird word art and description

 Hi bloggers,

Today I made a description on the New Zealand bird the bell bird. I also made a word art about it here they are. 

Bell birds are very small but very fast. The loudest matting call from a bird is a bell bird. They are also limey green and have reddish eyes. I like bell birds because they are small and fast. And that's all I really know about them. here is my word art!

I found this hard to make because I needed to find a good picture of a  bell bird and this is what it came out as and... it was really really fun! 

Blog Ya laTer

Thursday, 21 October 2021

MY Quality Blog comment word art!

 Today I made a word art on what a good blog comment is. This is my first time using word art in a long time. It was a little bit hard and I will be honest my head was going bonkers. I like word art because you can make anything you want into a work of art. I hope you like it!!! 

Wednesday, 20 October 2021


 Okay my last review was not my real review it was just to get you the taste of the game.

Here is my real review!

Okay i'm going to start off real easy okay. 


I do like the buildings, but the houses you can buy, well some of them are a bit weird like the castle I mean why would you get the castle it's so skinny on the inside and you can get the donut shop for way cheaper and the donut shop has a dance floor and most importantly... DONUTS!. So that, and the camp site ( which we will count as a building for know)  I think the camp site is way to small and the camp shop is way to close to the camp. So that's what I think of the buildings.


I like the pets but its about their dancing when someone uses a discoplosion. The unicorn is my main target every single unicorn does the same dance here are all the types of unicorns: 

golden unicorn

evil unicorn

diamond unicorn

normal unicorn

they all have the same dance and I would like it if they all had different dancing!

Blog ya later