Friday, 26 March 2021

The scary story ( that is funny )

 Hi today I am going to tell you a scary story ( done done done ) but its funny as well here we go.

once I was on a midnight walk  and I was having a good time I heard some thing  behind me and had a look to see what was there then I saw... red eyes so I ran and ran and ran it was following me I looked behind me and saw a... pig. and i was like what the and  then i saw more red eyes and ran for my life again and was like this time it better be worth it and I new it was following me then i turned around and saw...Xavier.Smiley Stick figure Face Clip art - Scared People Pictures png download -  800*800 - Free Transparent Smiley png Download. - Clip Art Library

The end. 

Thank you for reading my story hope you liked it. 

sustainable coastline's

 HI  on Thursday we did  a s.c ( sustainable coastlines ) clean up we found a wooden axe in our class that was the only cool so we had a bit of fun but not that much so here's a question. what did you find?  blog ya latter .Leo

Friday, 12 March 2021

rubbish collecting

 on Saturday a week ago me and  mum collected some rubbish and we got one trash bag full in ten mins!! we went down one path way in owairaka  park and we were done!!! here are some photos.


Thursday, 11 March 2021


 Cheetah's are the fasted land animals on earth  they can go at a speed of 80-130 km/h!!! faster than a reliant robin!! (car). here's a reliant robin!!Why one shouldn't race a Reliant Robin.. - GIF on Imgur ouch!!but any way since no one won that race and theres nothing to see now for the main event the cheetah!!!!!!:)

Not so fast: why India's plan to reintroduce cheetahs may run into problems:)

Cheetah - Wikipedia