Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Review on adopt Me ( Roblox game)

 Hi bloggers,

today I'm going to be giving a review on the Roblox game  adopt Me!

Adopt Me  is a roblox game with over 200 k people playing every day!!! In the game you start with a a  starter house witch is a really good house because its just the right size for a newbie at the game. Now you might be wondering how you get your first pet, Well you have to go to the nursery and see sir woofingtin and get your starter egg. Your options for your starter pets is a cat or a dog but the thing is I think they could make the snow cat or the chocolate lab one of the starter pets to. After you get your egg you have to hatch it, You can auto hatch it with 45 Robux witch is the Roblox money, Or you can do the tasks it tells you to do like when it says  i'm hungry you feed it some food from one of the food stores. After you hatch your starter egg you can start trading but first you need to get your trading licence. To get to get a trading licence  you have to go to a building that looks like this, After you get your trading licence you can start trading! part 2 coming soon!  blog ya later 


1 comment:

  1. hi leo wow this is a amazing way to help new people who veiw your blog become a pro! What I like about adopt me is its for all ages (I started this year and I'm a pro) my sister loves playing adopt me witch is: 6 years old she still need a bit of help but she is better then a new person. I wonder what part 2 will be about? from INA🙃✌️ (room: 24)
